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How Long Will A Forklift Last?

 The age of a forklift is measured by the hours of operation. On average, a single-shift operation with a regular 8-hour workday will run a forklift for 2,000 hours per year. Most forklifts will last for a lifespan of roughly 10,000 hours. The lifespan of the forklift will vary based on the manufacturer due to the quality of the parts and the craftsmanship. 

Factors that Can Speed up Aging in Forklifts

There are a variety of factors that can lead to faster aging in forklifts. In addition to how long the forklift, factors that contribute to more rapid aging include:

  • Lifting heavy stacks often
  • Use on multiple shifts per day
  • Operation in colder temperatures
  • Lack of proper maintenance

Two forklifts that are the same age can still have different life expectancies depending on the conditions they were operated. A forklift that was used mainly indoors in cleaner conditions for lighter loads will likely last much longer than a forklift that has been exposed to harsh temperatures or used consistently for heavy loads. 

Another factor to consider that can affect the lifespan of your forklift is whether it is an electric forklift or a gas forklift. Electric forklifts will generally last longer since they have fewer moving parts, compared to one that uses an internal combustion engine.

Proper Forklift Maintenance is Key to Long-Lasting Machinery

Like with any piece of machinery, proper operation practices and regular maintenance can make a major difference in the lifespan of your forklift. Preventative maintenance can help you avoid costly, unexpected repairs that can raise your cost per hour of operation and can also interrupt your day to day business. 

Having a maintenance plan in place for your forklifts will help ensure they continue to run smoothly, and those problems are avoided or detected early so they can be resolved prior to a breakdown. At Trupar America, our service department provides expert maintenance and forklift repair services to meet your needs. 

Our expert technicians can help you develop a maintenance plan for your forklift fleet and keep your machinery running smoothly all year round. For all your forklift sales, maintenance, and repair needs, contact us today! 


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